Know The Word

  • increasing our Bible class attendance. Just like in 2022, on average, 75% of worshippers stayed for Bible class in 2023. We challenge the congregation to close this gap by 5% in 2024. To aid in this, we will offer a topical and multiple textual studies for adults each quarter;

  • memorizing a verse each month. In addition, each quarter we will take one Sunday morning and have an in-depth textual study of our memory verse;

  • providing a plan to chronologically read through the Bible in 2024 (2 Peter 3:18, 2 Timothy 2:15)

Serve The Community

  • conducting a minimum of eight (8) community service projects 

  • continuing a monthly Wednesday night meal to encourage the community to come to the devo and Bible study that follows; providing free supper to the residents of the Women of Worth house;

  • continuing to “adopt” families from local schools, supporting the Blessing Box, engaging in personal and spiritual ministries with the Women of Worth program, and continuing the outreach service efforts of events like VBS, Fall-Fest, Breakfast with Santa, Blessing Bags, Back-to-School Backpack Giveaway, and others; (Galatians 6:10, Hebrews 13:3)

Share Jesus

  • adding “Conduct a Personal Bible Study” to our member worksheets to engage with those in the community that have expressed an interest in learning more about God;

  • conducting 6 personal bible studies in 2024;

  • increasing member participating in the Connect Conference;

  • continuing to support “Evangelize America” television commercials;

  • offering a congregational Summer mission trip to New Mexico with the Una church of Christ (Mark 16:15)

Love One Another

  • continuing focus on our mentoring program for youth and college students;

  • continuing to offer professional counseling through the Mt. Juliet Counseling Center

  • continuing to serve our seniors through the H.E.L.P. ministry;

  • implementing the Care Groups program;

(1 Thessalonians 4:9)