Connect – We strive to foster strong connections among every member of our church family, and to extend those connections to the community around us.

Love – We strive to love God and His Word, and to love all those around us as Christ loved us.

Serve – We strive to seek out ways to serve one another, our local community, and the world around us.

Multiply – We take the words of Jesus seriously when He said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28.18-20. It is our earnest desire to share Jesus with everyone we meet, and to grow our church family here in Nashville, as well as the church worldwide.


The Lebanon Road church of Christ has been an active congregation in Nashville, Tennessee for 70 years. We are made up of imperfect Christians whose utmost desire is to serve God and care deeply for one another and the community around us. Our faith is the foundation for everything we do individually and as a church family. We view the Bible as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, and we strive to follow the teachings and principles of the New Testament. Every week, men, women, and children from various backgrounds come together to worship and learn more about the Bible. We would love nothing more than for you to join us for worship and Bible study.


  • An important part of our worship is congregational, acapella singing. We sing and offer our praises to God without instruments, because that’s the example that was set for us in the New Testament. Please feel free to join in and sing with us!

    Ephesians 5.19-20, Colossians 3.16

  • There will be multiple prayers during our worship service. We want to thank God for his endless blessings, and petition him on behalf of our church family members, our friends, our country, and others. If we can pray for you, please let us know!

    Philippians 4.5-7, 1 Thessalonians 5.17

  • Just as praying and singing were important features of the assemblies of New Testament churches, so was teaching and receiving the Word of God. Hearing the Word of the Lord makes us aware of God’s presence and can help us apply the Scriptures to our daily lives. At the end the lesson, there is a time for those who wish to come forward for prayers, to respond for baptism, or any other need they may have.

    Romans 10.14-15, 2 Timothy 4.2

  • At a point during our worship service, we will partake in the Lord’s Supper. Small plastic cups with a circular piece of bread are avaliable in the foyer. You may pick these up as you enter the auditorium. This bread symbolizes the body of Jesus that was broken on the cross for our sins (Matthew 26:26; Luke 22:19). After a prayer of thanks for the sacrifice of Christ & after everyone has eaten from the bread, we will have a prayer for the juice. This juice symbolizes the blood of Christ which was shed for our sins (Matthew 26:27-29). A prayer of thanks will also be given for Christ before we drink the juice.

  • Each Sunday, we set aside a time for those who would like to make a financial contribution. This money is used for many things including, but not limited to, paying for local efforts to preach and teach the Bible to adults and children, preaching the message of Jesus in other countries, and helping the needy. Of course, one thing we’d like to make very clear to our visitors is that we don’t expect you to make a contribution to the work that we do. If you would like to make a contribution, that’s fine, but you will not be asked, and please don’t feel obligated. So, at this time, you can wait until this portion of our services is completed or you may give online via our website, www.lrcoc.org/give or place your contribution in the secure box in the foyer.Item description


According to the Bible, each person must believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that he came to earth, lived a sinless life, died on the cross to forgive our sins, and was raised again to life. Each person must turn from a life of sin and commit their lives to serve the Lord. This belief and commitment culminates in water baptism, the moment in which sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus. If you would like to talk with someone about baptism, please reach out to us.

Acts 2.38, 1 Peter 3.21-22


People driving by and visiting our church may think we’ve always been in the same building as it looks today, but the history of the Lebanon Road church of Christ congregation began on December 6, 1953 in a small meeting house.